DULGE is the brand name of an Australian Company, KHM IMPORTING PTY LTD (ABN 73605938494), which started its journey in 2010. We are based in Melbourne, and Our warehouse is just 20 minutes from the CBD.

We started our journey in the hair extensions business almost 12 years ago. At this stage, we established ourselves as one of Australia's most affordable online/retailers and wholesalers of hair extensions.

https://dulgehairextensions.com.au/  is our original website, mainly for hair extensions, wigs, and hair tools. 

We are an e-commerce-based business. We sell our products on Australia's big marketplaces like Amazon AU, eBay, Kogan.com, Mydeal.com.au and Catch.com.au.

We also retail and wholesale our products from our Melbourne warehouse to our customers.

We supply hair extensions to hair salons all over Australia. We priced our wholesale prices, keeping our customers' profit in mind. We welcome any size business to join our wholesale buyer's group. We have no MOQ for any business owners.

After hair extensions, we started planning to begin our journey into Health and Beauty Gadgets, Lifestyle products such as Bags and Tech accessories. This website is the outcome of that planning and hard work.

DULGE is here to indulge you (our customers) with all the latest trends for lifestyle products and some of the best and safest devices for health and beauty for your health and body rejuvenation so that you look and feel great from your top to toe. 

We are open 24/7/365 for any of your inquiries, and we always most welcome any suggestions and advice. We hope you will like our products, and please feel free to follow us on social media and share your experiences with us and the world. And subscribe to us so that you do not miss a single bit.

What our customers say about us

Leticia Vilanova
Excellent attention, products, and prices. I recommend.

Leticia Vilanova

Mel H
I purchased these about two weeks ago. Curled them & love them. Easy to use, the Quality of clips is fantastic.

Mel H

Lia L
Great quality, price, and service! Thanks a lot :)

Lia L

Pascal Lacarruba
great extensions, Quality is excellent, and the service is excellent. I would recommend DULGE.

Pascal Lacarruba


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Henry Cavill

CEO Manager

Nathan Aké

Creative Director

Emily Radcliffe

Front end Developer